Sundays 10:30 AM (In Person and Online) 8 Torch Lane, Guelph, ON N1G 1V6 (519) 836-7950
Building community is a key part of what we do. Therefore we encourage our people to prioritize attending our churchwide events. We do churchwide events at most once per month so we are not over-filling your calendar with events all are encouraged to attend.
No Events
Below are other things happening at are church that you may be interested in. Unlike churchwide events, we are not expecting the entire church to participate.
No Events
This page does not include worship services, small groups, and volunteering. If that is what you are looking for, check out their respective pages.
Oversee the capital expenditures of our church.
We oversee the capital expenditures of the church, which generally involves high-value maintenance or one-time expenditures on our property. People who enjoy long-term planning, especially as it relates to financial or property-related matters, may enjoy being a part of this team.
Unlike other teams there is no regular schedule of meetings. We are a small team that meets a few times a year to discuss and plan, which we would generally schedule around the availability of the team members. From time to time we correspond via email about small matters that arise between meetings.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Julia Webber
Join us on the front line of one of our most essential ministries!
Small groups are essential to our church’s vision for building disciples, which makes equipping small group leaders equally essential. Small group leaders are essentially the “pastors” of their groups, shepherding their participants towards deeper faith in Jesus. Because of the high responsibility, we are committed to equipping and coaching you along the path to becoming a small group leader.
Weekly commitment to meet with and lead your small group through the ministry year (September-June). We strongly encourage small groups to break for 2-4 weeks at Christmas time and for the whole summer, particularly so that you, the leader can rest.
Must meet the qualifications for spiritual leaders at Priory, which includes personal faith in Jesus Christ, meet Biblical requirements for overseers, and agree to respect and uphold the Priory Statement of Faith.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Peter Wedel
Facilitate the operation of our community garden.
Have you noticed our community garden? It is a long-standing ministry of our church to help connect the good news of Jesus to our wider community. Some may choose to simply tend a plot or enjoy the space, but if you would like to help coordinate the garden, come be part of our team!
Many on our team certainly enjoy gardening, but coordinating the garden takes more than simply gardening itself. If you simply have an interest in seeing this ministry flourish, we would love to talk to you about how God might utilize whatever skills or resources you have to help this ministry.
Varies. This is a seasonal ministry. Generally, we begin planning in February, launch in May (which tends to be quite busy), it settles down during the summer, and picks back up a little bit in September-October to close out the season. Team meetings are typically once a month over Zoom during the season. During meetings we discuss what needs to be done and who will do it, so the time commitment is dynamic. If your time is limited, simply let us know in advance so we can accommodate you.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Sue Woodward
Help us cultivate a welcoming environment for newcomers!
Our Sunday morning worship hosts consist of ushers and greeters. Greeters have a relatively simple task: ensure people feel welcome as they enter our building. Given the relatively low responsibility it is a very accessible way for people to begin getting involved at Priory.
Ushers have additional responsibilities to ensure Sunday worship runs smoothly and safely. Typically, ushers will begin as greeters in order to get accustomed to Sunday morning hosting, and then those who are willing to take on more responsibility may be invited (but not required) to become an usher.
We typically ask for a minimum of one Sunday per month. Some, however, enjoy serving more than that, so you are more than welcome to ask to serve more frequently.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Peter Wedel
Help run video and sound for our worship services.
Our tech team runs the video, sound, and live streaming for our Sunday services.
Generally, one Sunday service a month.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Ivan Campos
Can we call on you when someone could use a meal to get by?
From time to time, people in our community may find themselves in challenging situations where one of the best ways to show love would be to offer them meals. For example, a family may have just welcomed a new baby, or someone might be going through an intense medical treatment, where a few nights not needing to cook would be a godsend to them.
Flexible. This team is essentially a “call list” when someone is in need of meals. There is no obligation to prepare a meal when a call goes out.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Dee Fitzsimmons
Help coordinate our church’s activities with our missions partners.
While Priory certainly has its own internal efforts for joining the mission of Jesus, we also have a number of external Missions partners (both locally and internationally) in order to help us participate in what God is doing in Guelph and the world. Our team helps maintain our connection with those external mission partners and helps enable our church to intentionally engage with them, both for the mission of God and also their own discipleship.
As of this writing, we are just getting started as a team. We aim to meet monthly to begin, and we will see where God leads us from there. Given that this team is largely about oversight, we do not anticipate a heavy workload.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Carolyn Dix
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Do you love kids? Do you love Jesus? Then, come join our team!
Serving with kids is not just about teaching them. It is about cultivating an environment to connect with Jesus. If you feel unqualified to teach, that is OK! Our two main roles are Helping Shepherd and Lead Shepherd. Helping Shepherds do just that: help. Lead Shepherds are the ones who teach, and we certainly would love to welcome more.
We typically ask for a minimum of one Sunday per month to serve in kids ministry as either a Helping Shepherd or Lead Shepherd.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Sarah DeVries
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Leading the congregation in prayer.
The Prayer Squad consists of those called to be prayer leaders within our church. Activities of the Prayer Squad will include praying for the confidential prayer requests of the church, leading the congregational prayer during worship services, praying for individuals after worship services, and being called upon from time to time for ad-hoc prayer meetings, especially for healing.
The commitment level varies since the activities of the team are diverse. Things like praying for confidential prayers will happen on your own time. Prayer activities during the worship service will be scheduled maximum once per month. When ad-hoc prayer meetings are requested, we will put a call out to whoever is available rather than strictly needing the whole team to attend.
Must meet the qualifications for spiritual leaders at Priory, which includes personal faith in Jesus Christ, meet Biblical requirements for overseers, and agree to respect and uphold the Priory Statement of Faith.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Ryan Marthinsen (Lead Pastor)
(519) 836-7950
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Be a spiritual friend and mentor to teens and pre-teens!
This team is currently in development, so there is no activity at the moment. The plan is to gather those interested in being spiritual friends and mentors to youth and develop a plan together. The hope is to establish a weekly “youth group” that will be led by this leadership team starting either late 2024 or early 2025.
Currently the only commitment will be to attend planning meetings with will likely begin in the fall. Planning meetings will be scheduled around the team’s availability.
Once the ministry begins, it will be a weekly commitment (excepting, of course, for unforeseen conflicts, vacations, etc.).
Must meet the qualifications for spiritual leaders at Priory, which includes personal faith in Jesus Christ, meet Biblical requirements for overseers, and agree to respect and uphold the Priory Statement of Faith.
In addition, must complete screening measures including ministry application and vulnerable sector police check.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Ryan Marthinsen
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Help us maintain our grounds.
Our task is simple: we mow the lawn. We have a ride-on mower which makes it fairly easy.
Seasonal: we only mow the lawn from about April-October. During the season you will be scheduled maximum one time per month, although currently it is slightly less frequent than that given the size of our team.
The commitment is flexible too. We suggest mowing on Fridays (so that we are generally mowing in week intervals), but given that lawn mowing does not need to be done on a certain day, you can do it any time from Thursday-Sunday of that weekend.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Kevin Latam (Elder)
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We would greatly value your assistance in keeping our building maintained!
The maintenance of our building is all done through volunteers. We seek handy individuals we can call upon to help with repairs and other building maintenance issues.
Flexible. We may have a meeting 2 or 3 times a year. Beyond that, this team is essentially a “call list” when there is a maintenance issue. There is no obligation to respond to any particular call.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Kevin Latam (Elder)
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Oversee the finances of our church.
We provide oversight over the finances of the church. Our biggest task is to prepare the church budget for our Annual General Meeting and Mid-Year Budget Meeting (typically in May and November, respectively), and ensure that financial records are being kept properly. We are led by the church treasurer.
We typically meet 2-4 times a year: twice in preparation for our two main budget meetings (see above), and then as needed throughout the year.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Dan DeVries (Treasurer)
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Read scripture during Sunday worship.
We are the team that reads scripture during our Sunday worship service. We don’t need you to be the most polished of speakers! In fact, we would love for this team to be accessible to as many people as possible, to give witness to the diversity of our spiritual community. This even includes our kids and youth! As long as you can read scripture clearly at a moderate pace, you are welcome to join!
We have a decent number of scripture readers, so you will only need to be scheduled once every 2-3 months.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Ryan Marthinsen (Lead Pastor)
(519) 836-7950
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Lead the children’s blessing during Sunday worship.
If you have been to our Sunday worship, you will know that most Sundays we do a children’s blessing. It is a simple but meaningful way for us to bless the children as they leave the main worship service to go to their classrooms. There is no need to come up with something on your own: we provide structure and guidance. This is a team that should be accessible to most people who feel comfortable speaking from the platform.
Generally, one Sunday every 1-2 months.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Ryan Marthinsen (Lead Pastor)
(519) 836-7950
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Do you have musical talent? Help us lead the congregation in worship!
We are a team of singers and musicians who lead our congregation in worship on Sunday morning.
Maximum one Sunday per month. Those who are scheduled on a given Sunday must attend rehearsal the previous Thursday evening at 7:00 PM and also come early the day of at 9:00 AM.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Ryan Marthinsen (Lead Pastor)
(519) 836-7950
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Help prepare and clean up for After-Worship Café.
After every Sunday worship service, we have an After-Worship Café where coffee, tea, and snacks are served to help foster love and hospitality within our community. Our team is responsible for making it happen!
Every Sunday there are two Café hosts scheduled. On the day they will arrive for worship early to prepare drinks, food, and the room. During the Café they will then be available to make sure everything is running smoothly. They will then clean up when Café is over.
Maximum one Sunday per month for hosting Café, although currently it is slightly less frequent than that given the size of our team. One of the scheduled hosts will be assigned to provide snack (a simple snack is 100% fine; we reimburse up to $30 per Sunday).
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Ryan Marthinsen (Lead Pastor)
(519) 836-7950
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Preserving a beautiful space so our community can meet God!
Regular cleaning of our building is done by a dedicated team of volunteers who enjoy serving God behind the scenes doing basic housekeeping for our building: dusting, windows, washrooms, and some vacuuming.
One cleaning session every 2 months. Volunteers generally clean on Fridays, but the day of week is flexible.
Use the Volunteer Form to request more information or to sign up.
Kevin Latam (Elder)
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